Current NBRC Members:

Ned Bohman -- Secretary
Frank Fogarty
Alex Harper
Paul Hurtado
Ben Sonnenberg
Justin Streit
Ben Zyla

If you wish to contact any of the current members, send email to: 

Bohman ***AT*** gbbo ***DOT*** org

Former NBRC Members:

James Cressman -- founding Secretary
Jim Eidel -- former Secretary
Jack Cochran -- former Secretary
Martin Meyers — former Secretary
Jeanne Tinsman — former Chair
Aaron Ambos
Donald H. Baepler
Art Biale
Pete Bradley
Dorothy Crowe
Chris Elphick
Ted Floyd
Leonard Hoskins
John Klicka
Tim Lenz
Carl Lundblad
M. Vincent Mowbray
Larry Neel
Scott Page
Mark Ports
Will Richardson
Fred A. Ryser
Mike San Miguel
Greg Scyphers
Dennis Serdehely
Debbie Van Dooremolen
Gary Voelker